At the age of forty God put His hand on my shoulder while I was laying down on my futon and pulled my soul off of my body like a skin. He then pulled me all of the way out of creation. Creation looks like a circle of light that stops. Inside was points of light in darkness. We were both horizontal. I could see half of Gods body and not his head. God must be about thirty feet tall. We were both floating in total emptiness and looked like clear as glass. I felt totally at peace. God then poured energy into my soul. It was an incredible sense of power. Then God poured more energy into my soul and I inflated like a bubble. Then God poured more energy into me and I inflated again, almost to bursting. Then He put me back to my body instantly. I know the God of Israel is God and no other and I know who Jesus Christ is. I have set to prove it through the revelation of scriptures and sign and logic.
Knowledge for Everyone
Halo, something like a crown of gold
The origin of the word halo is old, but the term itself is newer than the Revelation of Jesus Christ. In the Halo there is great logic and it is something like a crown of gold.
The devil and his prophet
Here we identify the devil and his prophet, and so they will be defeated.
Islam and the prince of darkness
Here we identify what Islam is all about. How muslims are behaving currently, and where their worship is going.
Angels of rebellion
This is a presentation for the older generation
Egypt and Sodom
This peresentation shows which capital city of which nation most resembles Egypt and Sodom of the Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Behemoth, the Dragon, the 5th. King, and Leviathan
This is a summary of the identity of these mysteries in the book of Revelations of Jesus Christ.
The Synagogue and Babylon
This presentation, as of yet unfinished, explains how the synagogue keeps the spirit of Babylon alive with the Babylonian Talmud, and how this is contrairy to the will of God.
The Bank of Luna